Member of the German Parliament Mario Brandenburg visits hessian.AI
During a visit, Mario Brandenburg (FDP), Member of the German Parliament and Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), got to know about the work of the Hessian Center for Artificial Intelligence (hessian.AI). Key topics included the ongoing research projects, the projects in the federal government’s Excellence Strategy competition and the AI innovation ecosystem with a wide range of spin-offs from hessian.AI.
Brandenburg met with the President of TU Darmstadt, Professor Tanja Brühl, and the co-directors of hessian.AI, Professor Mira Mezini and Professor Kristian Kersting, as well as scientists who conduct research at hessian.AI and provided insights into their work.
Kristian Kersting and Marcus Rohrbach (Professor of Multimodal Reliable Artificial Intelligence) presented “Reasonable Artificial Intelligence (RAI)” and “The Adaptive Mind (TAM)”, two of the three projects with which TU Darmstadt is represented in the competition of the Excellence Strategy of the German federal and state governments. The planned Cluster of Excellence RAI is dedicated to the development of a new generation of AI systems based on the rational use of resources, data protection and continuous improvement. This next generation of AI systems is intended to address some of the weaknesses of current AI systems. “The Adaptive Mind (TAM)” investigates human behavior under changing external conditions. TAM is developing new approaches to understanding and computationally modeling human perception, thinking, decision-making, action and learning.
Occiglot is intended to create a coherent language modeling system that takes into account all 24 official languages of the European Union as well as other unofficial and regional languages. The first version will initially focus on the five largest European languages: English, German, French, Spanish and Italian. With LEDITS++, images can be modified by entering text. Editing specific image regions ensures that the visual and contextual coherence of the images is maintained. During the visit, Brandenburg also gained practical insights into the work of the Robotics Institute Germany (RIG), an association of ten universities and four non-university research institutions from all over Germany, with which the expertise of robotics research is synergistically bundled and strategically strengthened. hessian.AI is also represented in this network.
Energy Robotics and Birdmapper, two startups at different stages of development from the ecosystem, completed the series of stations. Energy Robotics manufactures autonomous robots for the inspection of industrial plants and thus simplifies predictive maintenance, among other things. The aim of Birdmapper is to autonomously measure bird populations as a contribution to preserving biodiversity.
The Konrad Zuse Graduate School “Excellence in Learning and Intelligent Systems” (ELIZA), presented by Stefan Roth (Professor of Visual Inference), is a key component of the AI ecosystem for qualifying the AI experts of tomorrow.
The infrastructure provided in hessian.AI with the fortytwo supercomputer and the AI innovation laboratory and service center support AI research and application in Hesse in a unique way, as outlined by the CTO of hessian.AI, Dr. Wolfgang Stille.
“hessian.AI is the supporting pillar of a lively, dense and constantly growing AI innovation ecosystem around TU Darmstadt, in Hesse and with great appeal far beyond. hessian.AI strengthens and promotes excellent AI research and teaching at Hessian universities. In hessian.AI, innovative applications with transformative potential are created from disruptive ideas. The diverse insights gained during the visit show impressively that partners in science, business and society benefit from this strong network.”