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Partner Event | foundersXchange Xmas Edition

Start-up F*UCK UPS

No start-up without f*ck ups. Mistakes, failures, errors – they happen. Not every entrepreneurial decision is a hit. F*uck ups and entrepreneurial spirit go hand in hand.

At the fXc Xmas Edition, founders will tell their very personal stories about what went wrong on their startup journey, which doors unexpectedly opened through networks and how a pivot can succeed.

Afterwards, the stage is yours: the open mic session gives you the opportunity to share your f*uck-ups and personal challenges with the community.

🎅 Gingerbread, hot and cold drinks and a Xmas atmosphere will be provided – register now and join us. We look forward to seeing you!


The foundersXchange is a joint event series by: ATHENE Digital Hub Cybersecurity, cesah GmbH Centrum für Satellitennavigation Hessen, hessian.AI, HIGHEST – Innovations- und Gründungszentrum der TU Darmstadt, HUB31 – Technologie und Gründerzentrum Darmstadt and YUBIZZ! – start-up initiative of Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences.

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Event Info


December 4
5:00 pm CET


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Schlosskeller Darmstadt
Marktplatz 15
Darmstadt, Hesse 64283 Germany
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