Founding Research Co-Director Prof. Kristian Kersting Earns AAAI Fellowship

The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) has recognized Prof. Kristian Kersting, Founding Research Co-Director at hessian.AI, as an AAAI Fellow. This esteemed honor is in acknowledgment of his significant contributions to the field of AI, especially in statistical relational AI and neuro-symbolic learning. Prof. Kersting’s selection as an AAAI Fellow underscores his influential role in AI research, aligning with hessian.AI’s commitment to fostering a collaborative environment for AI innovation.

Prof. Kristian Kersting’s Diverse Contributions to AI

Prof. Kristian Kersting’s work at hessian.AI, combined with his academic role as a Full Professor for Machine Learning at TU Darmstadt, highlights his broad impact on AI research. His diverse contributions to institutions like MIT and Fraunhofer IAIS reflect a career dedicated to the advancement of AI. His achievements, including receiving the BILANZ German AI Award and fellowships with EurAI and ELLIS, exemplify his commitment to the field.

The AAAI Fellowship is awarded to those who have made lasting contributions to AI, and Prof. Kersting’s inclusion in this group aligns him with notable AI experts globally. His work is a testament to the collaborative and innovative spirit prevalent in today’s AI research community.

Warm congratulations from hessian.AI Team

The community at hessian.AI celebrates Prof. Kristian Kersting’s achievement of being named an AAAI Fellow. Mira Mezini, Founding Research Co-Director at hessian.AI, who works closely with Prof. Kersting, expressed her congratulations and appreciation with the following words on X:

“Congratulations to @kerstingAIML … absolutely deserved👏
I feel privileged to work closely with such great minds, in the context of co-leading @Hessian_AI and beyond at @CS_TUDarmstadt.”