German Pattern Recognition Award 2023 presented to Prof. Anna Rohrbach for Groundbreaking Contributions to AI Research

The prestigious German Pattern Recognition Award for 2023 has been officially conferred upon hessian.AI member Prof. Anna Rohrbach during the GCPR conference held in Heidelberg from September 19 to 22, 2023. This annual award, established by the DAGM (German Association for Pattern Recognition), celebrates the outstanding contributions of young scientists to the fields of pattern recognition, computer vision, and machine learning. Anna Rohrbach’s achievement is particularly noteworthy, as she has made remarkable advancements in the intersection of vision and language, which has broad implications for the development of human-centric, effective, and trustworthy AI models.

Prof. Rohrbach’s contributions extend across various subareas of vision and language, including unbiased visual captioning, impactful evaluation metrics, and the introduction of widely recognized standard datasets for movie description. She has become an international leader in the critical areas of grounding and learning from language, which are gaining significant attention in modern AI research.

While large language models (LLMs) have garnered immense interest and attention, they have struggled with the ability to ground their predictions effectively, which hinders user trust. Prof. Anna Rohrbach’s expertise in grounding and learning from language positions her to make fundamental contributions toward human-centric, effective, and trustworthy AI, with significant implications for academia, industry, and society at large.

The German Pattern Recognition Award, sponsored by Daimler AG, includes a financial prize of 5000 euros. This award acknowledges not only the significant impact of Prof. Rohrbach’s research but also her dedication to advancing the field of AI.