hessian.AI and KI macht Schule start cooperation
KI macht Schule and hessian.AI – the Hessian Center for Artificial Intelligence, will cooperate in the future to educate and train students in the field of artificial intelligence and offer joint basic courses.
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are already influencing everyone’s lives in our increasingly connected world and will continue to be of central importance in the coming decades as part of digitization. That’s why it’s important to build and expand fact-based knowledge in this area across all age groups.
“In order to give today’s students the opportunity to help shape their own future, it is urgently necessary to start education in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning as early as possible. The cooperation with KI macht Schule enables us to address promising educational offers in the field of AI and ML directly to students, but also to teachers in Hesse and to spread the discussion of this important topic”, says Prof. KRISTIAN KERSTING, Co-Director of hessian.AI
Both hessian.AI and KI macht Schule consider the central goal of the cooperation to be the dissemination of knowledge, with education starting in schools wherever possible. The current students are tomorrow’s decision-makers and shapers. In their future, AI and ML will play an even greater role, which is why early exposure to the topic is all the more important. This should include technical-scientific as well as ethical and social aspects in order to educate about facts, opportunities and risks of AThe thematically diverse and interactive courses, which will be offered together in the future, explain the basics and origins of artificial intelligence research and then move into the specific course topic (medicine, economics, language, art and more). The courses culminate in an ethical analysis and discussion of modern AI application in the focused topic area.
“We are happy that in cooperation with hessian.AI we can further strengthen our common vision of early AI education in Hessian schools. The basic knowledge of the fascinating topic of machine learning and AI often still come up short in everyday school life, but lay the foundation of a further specialization and mature society in this future-relevant area”, explains MARIUS SÜSSMILCH, head of the local group AI macht Schule Hessen.