Sriraam Natarajan

Sriraam Natarajan


Prof. Sriraam Natarajan is a Professor at the Department of Computer Science at University of Texas Dallas, a hessian.AI fellow at TU Darmstadt and a RBDSCAI Distinguished Faculty Fellow at IIT Madras. His research interests lie in the field of Artificial Intelligence, with emphasis on Machine Learning, Statistical Relational Learning and AI, Reinforcement Learning, Graphical Models and Biomedical Applications. He is a AAAI senior member and has received the Young Investigator award from US Army Research Office, Amazon Faculty Research Award, Intel Faculty Award, XEROX Faculty Award, Verisk Faculty Award and the IU trustees Teaching Award from Indiana University. He is the AAAI program co-chair of AAAI 2024, AI and society track chair of AAAI 2022 and 2023, demo chair of IJCAI 2022, program co-chair of SDM 2020 and ACM CoDS-COMAD 2020 conferences. He was the speciality chief editor of Frontiers in ML and AI journal, and is an associate editor of MLJ, JAIR, DAMI and Big Data journals.

With the fellowship program of hessian.AI, the Hessian Center for Artificial Intelligence, honors outstanding scientists who conduct internationally visible research in central areas of artificial intelligence and provide important impulses to the scientific community. The hessian.AI Fellowship honors research personalities with international appeal in order to initiate and promote the intensification of mutual networking and scientific exchange.